Stress-free vision - better brain performance

a group of men playing basketball
Sports Vision Training

Sports Vision Training

Im Leistungssport zählt jeder Vorteil. Athleten trainieren jahrelang ihre Kraft, Ausdauer und Technik, um ihr volles Potenzial auszuschöpfen. Doch ein oft unterschätzter Faktor spielt eine zentrale Rolle: die Sehkraft.

woman biting pencil while sitting on chair in front of computer during daytime
Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome

Computer Vision Syndrome: A Modern Problem of the Digital Age In our increasingly digitalized world, where hours in front of a screen have become the norm, more and more people are experiencing the effects of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), also known...

woman in black long sleeve shirt covering her face with her hands
Visual Snow Syndrome

Visual Snow Syndrome

Visual Snow Syndrome - A Comprehensive Overview Visual Snow Syndrome is a neurological disorder that consistently overlays the visual field of those affected with a "snow flurry" effect, similar to the noise of a poorly adjusted television....
